2019, Number 3
Level of knowledge about hepatitis b and associated factors
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 382.82 Kb.
Introduction: Hepatitis B is a global health problem; Health science students should be fully aware of this pathology, not only as part of their learning, but because they are exposed to occupational accidents and increased risk of transmission in practice. The aim of the study was to assess the level of knowledge about Hepatitis B in health science students and to determine the factors associated with this level of knowledge.Methodology: Cross-sectional, analytical study; performed in peruvian health sciences faculty. Knowledge was evaluated with a questionnaire of 20 questions about Hepatitis B infection. Likewise, socio-educational and preventive data were collected from students about hepatitis B. The analytical variable was to have the better knowledge (upper tertile). Prevalence ratios were found in the statistical program Stata.
Results: Of the 205 students to medicine, dentistry and medical technology, 57 % were women, predominantly in the first year (39 %). The mean of the score was 12 points (interquartile range: 10-13), of 20 possible points. We found that 82 % reported incomplete vaccination. The students in the clinical areas were more likely to obtain a satisfactory evaluation. (PR: 1.84, 95 % CI: 1.06-3.18).
Conclusions: Most students had an inadequate level of knowledge about Hepatitis B, being the clinical sciences students who did better results. For this reason, we suggest that the authorities take appropriate measures to correct this situation, as a population at high risk of infection.
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