2020, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (1)
Quality of life of the mentally ill in the municipality of Jalpa Zacatecas
Gómez SC, Vázquez GKM, Arizpe RS
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 110-127
PDF size: 308.55 Kb.
It analyzes and describes the quality of life of 6 people suffering from some type of mental illness, such as schizophrenia, addictions, Vascular dementia, and mental retardation, inhabitants of the municipality of Jalpa Zacatecas. We applied the survey "disabilities, deficiencies and state of mental health" by students of 9 ° semester of the academic unit of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas campus Jalpa (2017). Data were analyzed in a qualitative-descriptive way.
Results: Case A to the F, keeping the respondents confidential, and sectioned by areas. Socioeconomic profile: Medium, medical care: low and with little access to the service of mental health professionals, family dynamics: responsible for the vigilance of the treatment, maintenance and care of the mental patient, small families. Education: Incomplete or null due to the impossibility of the disease itself and quality of life: Total or partial dependence to satisfy their basic, physical, biological and social needs. There is a low participation of the government and social sector to promote the quality of life of the mentally ill. It is proposed to design new community and governmental strategies, that act at the levels, primary, secondary and tertiary, that allow the improvement of the quality of life of the sick and family.
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