2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2019; 35 (2)
Social prescription, a dimension of health promotion in family medicine
Bonal RR
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 145.07 Kb.
Social prescription allows the family physician to guide, indicate, "prescribe" the patient
services and non-medical aids available in the community, which could provide welfare and
solve problems that traditionally go away from the typical solution offered by the primary
care professional. Social prescription is related to the prescription of health assets, lifestyles,
intersectoriality and social determinants of health in the community where the family
physicians works and can be a component of a new health model in primary care. This paper offers examples of social prescription services, while it is suggested to expand the list with
facilitators, patients and users in the community.
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