2019, Number 2
Characteristics of the diabetic population in polyclinical Victoria Cuba Angola
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 257.06 Kb.
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is considered nowadays as a pandemic due to its increasingly prevalence.Objectives: Characterize the diabetic population belonging to a health area.
Methods: It was carried out a descriptive study analyzing 92 patients´ charts of diabetic patients who were assisted in the Diabetic consultation in policlinic Victoria Cuba Angola in 2015. It was studied the age, sex, color of the skin, and other clinical aspects related to the illness like family history, development of the illness and other associated diseases. The body mass index from each patient was calculated. It was described the kinds of hypoglycemic treatment as well as the drugs of higher intake.
Results: Out of the patients studied, 66 were female and 26 were male, with a 63.5 age average. The prevalence of hypertension of this diabetic population was 71.7 % and obesity up to 48.9 % of all patients. 92.4 % of patients used pharmacotherapy, being metformin the one of higher intake (65 %).
Conclusions: Diabetes mellitus is frequently found in people older than 45 years related to obesity and hypertension. Most patients required at least one hypoglycemic treatment to reach a right glycemic control.
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