2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2019; 35 (2)
Stress and unpleasant emotions in women survivors of breast cancer
Montiel CVE, Guerra MVM, Bartuste CD
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 227.66 Kb.
Introduction: A wide range of breast cancer survivors face physical, psychological and social
difficulties derived from the disease and treatments, which can be stressful and generate
unpleasant emotions.
Objective: Describe the main sources and experiences of stress, evaluate emotional states
(anxiety and depression) and identify strategies for coping with the disease.
Methods: Under a quantitative paradigm, the research followed a non-experimental design
with a descriptive, transversal study. Thirty survivors of breast cancer selected intentionally
participated in the "Chiqui Gómez Lubián" University Polyclinic, Santa Clara municipality,
during the first trimester of 2016. The following tests were used: Coverage mode scale,
psychological interview, Inventory of Situations and Responses of Anxiety, and Test of Zung
and Count.
Results: The main sources of stress were: illness, interruption of family projects, fear of
recurrence and everyday situations. Depression is present in 60 % of the sample, prevailing a
style of coping focused on emotion, being the strategy most used self-control.
Conclusions: The sources of stress faced by the women studied influence the appearance of
unpleasure emotional experiences, predominantly moderate depressive symptoms, associated
with the meaning of loss attributed to the disease. Predominance coping with the illness
centered on emotion. If they stay in time, these situations will affect their well-being and
quality of life. It is recommended to extend this type of study to a greater number of
individuals that allow establishing regularities for the population.
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