2020, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2020; 19 (2)
Comparison of 3 equations to estimate the energy expenditure at resting vs indirect calorimetry in schoolchildren with obesity
Ramírez RB, Balderas DD, Sánchez PMA, Márquez ZL, Ramírez LE, López-Cabanillas LM, Solís PE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 334.26 Kb.
Introduction: The energy expenditure at rest (GER) is a determined by indirect calorimetry, or by prediction equations.
Objective: To estimate the energy expenditure at resting by prediction equations compared with indirect calorimetry in
schoolchildren with obesity.
Material and method: Comparative, descriptive and cross sectional study with prior informed
consent to schoolchildren between 7 and 12 years of age with obesity (›2 D.E. WHO 2007). Under previous fasting and resting
for 12 hours, an indirect calorimetry study was performed with the Quark RMR
® equipment. The prediction equations to
estimate energy expenditure were Schofield, Tverskaya and Lazzer. Statistical analysis was performed with MedCalc
® V13.3
Results: 41 schoolchildren, 59% (n=24) female gender and 41% (n=17) male with an average age of 9.0 + 2.0 years.
When comparing energy expenditure, the average of the differences was 232 kcal, 89 kcal and 252 kcal respectively; the
equivalence between groups being significant for the predictive equation of Schofield (p=‹0.0001), Tverskaya (p=‹0.0028) and
Lazzer (p=‹0.0001).
Conclusions: To determine the GER in the obese child population, the best tool is indirect calorimetry,
since in group terms the three prediction equations significantly overestimate the energy expenditure.
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