2020, Number 2
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Rev Latin Infect Pediatr 2020; 33 (2)
Epidemiological panorama of dengue in Mexico 2000-2019
Arredondo-García JL, Aguilar-López ECG, Aguilar Lugo-Gerez JJ, Osnaya-Romero N, Pérez-Guillé G, Medina-Cortina H
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 78-83
PDF size: 183.55 Kb.
Dengue is a viral infectious disease that remains a public health
problem in Mexico and the world. This report describes confirmed
cases in Mexico (national incidence), between 2000 and 2019,
based on reports published by the SINAVE. The data collected
show five main outbreaks in 2007, 2009, 2012, 2013 and the most
recent in 2019 with 41,505 confirmed cases at the end of the
year, 226% more than in 2018 (12,706). This increase was also
observed in other countries of the Americas, reaching since week
42, the highest number of cases recorded in history (2,733,635).
These data demonstrate that, despite control strategies, the virus
has a cyclical pattern of outbreaks that may coincide in other
regions, being necessary to have better surveillance, diagnosis
and control strategies that mitigate the impact.
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