2019, Number 3
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Rev cubana med 2019; 58 (3)
Some considerations on application, calculation and interpretation of odds ratio and relative risk
Tamargo BTO, Gutiérrez RÁR, Quesada PS, López LN, Hidalgo CT
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 408.77 Kb.
Relative risk and odds ratio are two measures of the association strength in clinical and epidemiological investigations. The relative risk corresponds to the ratio of two incidence rates, those exposed to a possible risk factor and those not exposed to that factor. Odds correspond to the ratio of two odds to one odds. The latter is a quotient between the probability that a certain event occurs and the probability that said event does not occur. Relative risk can be estimated in prospective and retrospective designs, while odds ratio can be calculated in analytical prospective, retrospective and cross-sectional studies, and under certain conditions they can replace relative risk. Relative risk can be estimated in prospective and retrospective designs, while odds ratio can be calculated in analytical prospective, retrospective and cross-sectional studies, and under certain conditions they can replace relative risk. By means of some questions and didactic examples, this article presents the methodological and statistical bases about these two measures, in a simple way, aiming to help researchers to make a correct interpretation and use of them, in the field of health sciences.
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