2019, Number 2
Primary hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 271.29 Kb.
Introduction: Hypothyroidism is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease due to its relationship with dyslipidemia, high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease. In Cuba, after diabetes, it ranks second in the prevalence of endocrine diseases.Objective: To identify if there is a relationship between the presence of primary hypothyroidism and insulin resistance and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis.
Methods: An analytical, multicenter, cross-sectional study was carried out in 150 patients separated into two comparison groups: 1) primary hypothyroidism (n = 75) and 2) insulin resistance with no hypothyroidism (n = 75). They underwent laboratory and ultrasound procedures. The patients were treated at the endocrinology consultations from 10 de Octubre Clinical Surgical Hospital, Miguel Enríquez Hospital and the National Institute of Endocrinology.
Results: The hypothyroidism group showed mean values of body mass index, total cholesterol, thyroid-stimulating hormone and carotid intima-media thickness significantly higher compared to insulin-resistant drugs. HOMA-IR was significantly higher in the insulin resistance group. TSH value ≥ 4.20 μmol / L showed 95.5% sensitivity and 73.3% specificity in predicting GIMC increase. HOMA-IR ≥ 3.10 had 95.5% sensitivity and 73.1% specificity.
Conclusions: Hypothyroidism and insulin resistance are independent predictors of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis.
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