2019, Number 1
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Rev cubana med 2019; 58 (1)
Updating on the clinical method
Arredondo BA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 369.91 Kb.
At present, due to the development of techno science applied to medicine, there is a tendency to overshadow the clinical method. Different medical schools in the world, including the Cuban school, have begun the modernization of the clinical method, which is based on the scientific method. Therefore, it is important to focus teaching on the eminently practical aspects, in addition to properly using complementary tests to confirm the patient´s diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. The objective of this research is to combine criteria on the teaching and use of the clinical method. Some reflections arise from its practical convenience, current syllabus and the texts on which it is based. The conceptualization of the clinical method is the result of the Cuban School of Clinic, where internists have played important role in the last 50 years. The specialists of this area of knowledge, together with all the medical assistants who need to use this method for treating their patients, are called to continue with the task of maintaining and transmitting the very essence of the clinic, in the midst of unstable and changing circumstances.
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