2020, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2020; 27 (3)
Family Stress and Individual Coping Associated with Therapeutic Adherence of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
Trejo CNG, Reyes JO
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 145-149
PDF size: 117.66 Kb.
Objective: analyze the association
between family stress and individual
coping styles with therapeutic adherence
in patients with ischemic heart
Methods: an analytical crosssectional
study conducted in 2018 in
the Family Medicine Unit (FMU) no.
92 of the Mexican Institute of Social
Security (IMSS); patients diagnosed with
ischemic heart disease of thirty to sixty
years of age participated, and with an
evolution time of one to five years from
the time of diagnosis. The sample size
was determined using the finite population
formula, a simple randomized
sampling was performed. An identification
sheet, the Family Inventory of
Life Events and Changes (FILE), the
Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) and
the Medication Adherence Rating Scale
(MARS) instruments were applied. The χ
Test was used to determine association
between the indicated variables.
130 patients participated in this
study, when analyzing the association
between family stress and therapeutic
adhesion the values were χ2=1.336 and
p=0.513; when studying the association
between coping styles and therapeutic
adhesion, the following values χ
2 = 2.698
and p=0.100 were obtained. Moderate
family stress predominated in 57% of
cases (n=74), passive coping at 53%
(n=69) and suboptimal therapeutic
adhesion in 94% of them (n=122).
Conclusions: No association was found
between a high level of family stress
and passive coping with suboptimal
therapeutic adherence in patients with
ischemic heart disease.
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