2020, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2020; 27 (3)
Association between Anxiety, Overweight and Obesity in Adults Attached to a Family Medicine Unit
Gay PJV, Jiménez TDE, García GJE, Zempoalteca MA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 131-134
PDF size: 120.17 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the association
between anxiety, overweight and
obesity in adults attached to a family
medicine unit.
Methods: An analytical
cross-sectional study conducted in
the Family Medicine Unit (FMU) no.
77 of the Mexican Institute of Social
Security (IMSS), in the State of Mexico,
from March to October 2019; the
study included adults from 18 to 65
year-old, of both genders, who were
overweight or obese. The State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used to
determine the degree of anxiety and the
Body Mass Index (BMI) was measured.
Descriptive analysis was performed
with central trend measures and the χ
test was used to analyze the association
of variables.
Results: 282 patients were
included, 32 of whom were overweight,
117, had obesity class I, 100, obesity
class ii and 33, obesity class iii. In assessing
the degree of anxiety, 37 patients
did not report anxiety, 109, had mild
anxiety, 88, moderate anxiety and 48,
severe anxiety. A statistically significant
association (p
‹0.05) between anxiety,
overweight and obesity was determined.
Conclusion: most patients tested
had some degree of anxiety; there is a
statistically significant association between
anxiety, overweight and obesity;
a timely diagnosis and treatment are
necessary to avoid future complications
associated with the studied variables.
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