2020, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2020; 39 (1)
Physical activity, body composition and musculoskeletal capacity of teenage students from Floridablanca, Colombia
Sánchez LSM, Montaña DJS, García ALH, Sánchez DJC, Rangel CLG
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 177.88 Kb.
Introduction: Physical inactivity is a behavioral risk factor for chronic noncommunicable
diseases. Body composition and musculoskeletal capacity are component
parts of a health-oriented physical condition.
Objective: Determine the correlation between body composition and musculoskeletal
capacity in the study population.
Methods: A correlational study was conducted of 102 teenage students. Variables were
analyzed as measures of central tendency or frequencies, depending on their nature.
Student's t-test and Fischer's exact test were used to establish statistically significant
differences between continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Pearson's
coefficient was estimated to establish a possible correlation in the variables of interest.
The significance level was p ≤ 0.05.
Results: Of the total participants 76.47% do not comply with the recommendations about
physical activity for health. 16.66% of the students are overweight / obese and 26.47%
have a health-risky fat percentage. 48.08% of the teenagers display healthy resistance
strength levels. A negative correlation was determined between fat percentage and
explosive strength of the lower body (p = 0.0000) and resistance strength of the upper
body (p = 0.0000).
Conclusions: Most of the students are physically inactive. A bit over one fourth and half
the study population have unhealthy fat percentages and upper body resistance strength levels. A negative correlation was established between the fat percentage and the strength levels of participants.
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