2020, Number 1
Some epidemiological variables associated to toxoplasmosis in women of childbearing age from Riobamba
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-16
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Introduction: Toxoplasmosis acquired by women of childbearing age is a problem still not understood by the community and decision makers from health systems. Few consistent data are available in Ecuador about the circulation of this parasitic infection. Therefore, it is of great interest to broaden knowledge about the variables leading to its acquisition.Objective: Determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis among young women and its relationship to epidemiological variables.
Methods: A study was conducted of 403 serum samples from students attending the School of Health Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo. Serological behavior of Toxoplasma gondii was evaluated by determination of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG using an enzyme immunoassay. Identification was made of its relationship to eating habits, keeping animals at home, and knowledge about the risk of being seronegative when deciding to have children.
Results: Of the total sample, 26.8% (108/403) were seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii. The oral route was the most significant mode of acquisition of the disease. A relationship was found between seroprevalence and keeping yard animals and pets. 73.9% (298/403) of the respondents were not aware that seronegative results during pregnancy constitute a potential risk.
Conclusions: Anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were found in blood of the samples studied, pointing to the existence of previous Toxoplasma gondii infections and the influence of the variables analyzed.
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