2020, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2020; 39 (1)
Influence of sex, body mass index and number of siblings on self-perceived motor competence
Gil MP, Carrillo-López PJ, García CE, Rosa GA
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 185.60 Kb.
Introduction: Childhood is a crucial period in a person's life cycle. It is the time when
the personality begins to take definitive shape and healthy daily habits are acquired.
Objective: Analyze the self-perception of motor competence in relation to gender, body
weight and number of siblings.
Methods: The study population was 310 sixth-grade students (M ± SD; 10.87 ± 0.54)
from the Autonomous Community of Castile–La Mancha. The tool used to measure this
construct was motor competence perception in physical education.
Results: Motor competence perception is yet another factor to be developed as part of the
acquisition of a healthy lifestyle, particularly by girls. The educational setting in joint
coordination with the parents should contribute to the formation of the students' full,
well-balanced personality alongside the acquisition of healthy daily habits.
Conclusions: The statistical analysis performed revealed greater motor competence
perception among male, normal weight, only child students in terms of their own
experience and that of their schoolmates (p < 0.05).
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