2020, Number 1
Actions aimed at the pedagogical training of student teachers of basic biomedical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 164.94 Kb.
Introduction: At present the teacher training process in medical sciences, particularly in basic biomedical sciences, requires new theoretical and methodological foundations.Objective: Develop actions contributing to the training of student teachers of basic biomedical sciences from a pedagogical perspective.
Methods: A descriptive qualitative-quantitative study was conducted at the School of Medical Sciences of Artemisa from November 2018 to October 2019. The theoretical methods applied were analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction for the theoretical referents of the topic. The empirical methods used were document review, a survey with students, scientific observation and an interview with key informants.
Results: Results point to the existence of deficiencies among student teachers of basic biomedical sciences concerning knowledge about their pedagogical functions. Most did not show any motivation to teach and do not have the basic essential knowledge about pedagogy and the teaching-learning process required for their work. Scientificmethodological actions were developed to correct such deficiencies.
Conclusions: The actions developed strengthen the command of pedagogy in the training of student teachers for their future work as health science professionals involved in the teaching of basic biomedical sciences. These actions were evaluated by specialists as relevant, feasible and of great pedagogical value.
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