2020, Number 1
Autonomic cardiovascular regulation during the sustained weight test in healthy subjects and type 2 diabetic patients
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 183.98 Kb.
Introduction: At present it is indispensable to study type 2 diabetes mellitus with lowcost techniques due to the health load it represents. In this context the sustained weight test acquires great value as a Cuban static isometric exercise for the study of heart rate variability.Objective: Determine autonomic and hemodynamic electrophysiological responses at baseline state and during the sustained weight test in healthy subjects and type 2 diabetic patients.
Methods: A non-observational quasi-experimental before-after study was conducted at the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba based on a control group of 60 patients (30 healthy and 30 with type 2 diabetes mellitus).
Results: Diabetics had a higher BMI (p = 0.004). At baseline state significant differences were found between healthy subjects and diabetic patients. In most of the heart rate variability parameters analyzed and during the sustained weight tests, the only variables that showed significant differences were SBP (p = 0.022), FB (p = 0.001) and FA (p = 0.015). The results obtained from the sustained weight test were the following: very significant variations of hemodynamic parameters (p < 0.001), significant FA (p = 0.023) and FB/FA (p = 0.046) variations in healthy subjects, and significant differences in hemodynamic variables in diabetic patients.
Conclusions: A lower response by the autonomic nervous system was determined in diabetic patients versus healthy subjects, signaling deterioration of that system and reduced sympathetic and parasympathetic activity.
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