2020, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (4)
Composition and abundance of anopheline species according to habitat diversity in Mexico
Villarreal-Treviño C, Ríos-Delgado JC, Penilla-Navarro RP, Rodríguez AD, López JH, Nettel-Cruz JA, Moo-Llanes DA, Fuentes-Maldonado G
Language: English
References: 46
Page: 388-401
PDF size: 566.82 Kb.
Objective. To determine the abundance and geographic
distribution of the main malaria vectors, which are influenced
by habitat characteristics and ecological factors that directly
impact adult density and the dynamics of malaria transmission
in Mexico.
Materials and methods. Samples of larvae
were collected from 19 states in Mexico. Each larval habitat
was characterized
in situ determining the following parameters:
water depth, turbidity, percentage of vegetation cover,
amount of detritus, presence of algae, light intensity, type of
vegetation, amount of predators, habitat stability, altitude,
and hydrologic type.
Results. A total of 21 687 larvae corresponding
to 13 anopheline species were obtained from 149
aquatic habitats. The most abundant species were
pseudopunctipennis (52.91%),
An. albimanus (39.14%) and
franciscanus (5.29%). The multiple logistic regression analysis
showed a negative association between
An. pseudopunctipennis
and water turbidity (β=-1.342; Wald=6.122;
p=0.013) and the
amount of detritus (β=-2.206; Wald=3.642;
p=0.050). While
An. albimanus, there was a significant positive association
with water turbidity (β=1.344; Wald=4.256;
p=0.039), a
negative correlation was found with the altitude (β=-3.445;
p =0.020). The highest mosquito species diversity
index was found in Chiapas (Fisher’s α=1.20) and the
lowest diversity in Chihuahua (Fisher’s α=0.26). The greatest
richness was found in streams (
The two most abundant species were:
An. albimanus and
pseudopunctipennis. Detailed knowledge of the distribution
and characteristics of their larval habitats will be useful for
the effective implementation of control strategies in Mexico.
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