2016, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2016; 6 (1)
Frenulectomia in the treatment of ankyloglossia- Case Report
Lamas GDB, Fernandes CC, Rodrigues MM, Franco MA, Gonçalves CA, de Souza PCM
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 44-52
PDF size: 669.49 Kb.
Introduction: The lingual frenulum is a mucous
membrane attached from the base of the tongue
to the alveolar ridge. This structure in the
newborn has an important role in sucking and
breastfeeding. A short lingual frenulum influences
the position of teeth in the dental arches,
breastfeeding and hinders tongue movements.
This situation is called ankyloglossia.
Case Report:
This study reports the case of a child, female,
04 years-old, who attended the Pediatric Dentistry
Clinic of the Catholic University of Brasilia
with her father, complaining of " tied-tongue".
After the interview, was diagnosed with ankyloglossia.
The child had the lingual frenulum adhered
to the base of the tongue, making it difficult
to pronounce certain phonemes. Surgical
removal was proposed, and consent was given
by parents for the frenectomy. The surgery was
successful, allowing the child an immediate improvement
in speech. The same was referred for
speech therapy to regain phonemes that were
absent before the procedure.
Conclusion: Frenectomy
returned proper functions of the stomatognathic
system of the patient, allowing the
tongue to perform its duties as oral food transport,
swallowing correct articulation of words.
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