2020, Number 1
Understanding obesity: a qualitative approach to a patient with obesity
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 58-64
PDF size: 210.74 Kb.
Introduction: Overweight and obesity constitute some of the chronic non-communicable diseases where genetic, social and environmental factors interact, which are also the cause of comorbidities. They are characterized by an increase in body fat deposits, which leads to weight gain, caused by a positive energy balance, which occurs when the energy intake of food exceeds energy expenditure and, as a consequence, this excess is stored as fat in the body. In order to identify the perceptions of the health status of the overweight and obese patient, the qualitative approach allows a closer approach to know the reality that the patient lives with the disease.Development: Qualitative approach from the phenomenology of Martín Heidegger to assess the health perspective of a 57-year-old female patient through a semi-structured interview in order to understand the phenomenon experienced. The dimensions of the phenomenon of overweight and obesity were identified, as well as the execution of a data analysis by categories. The interview was recorded and subsequently transcribed entirety. The patient perceives overweight and obesity as diseases, and recognizes the risk of being able to develop more ailments, the obstacle perceived by the patient to not control her adequate weight is due to socioeconomic status and level of education, as well as to lack of motivation to lead a healthy life.
Conclusions: The person perceives different aspects related to overweight and obesity, the risk posed by the disease, discomfort, barriers and perceived needs.
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