2020, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2020; 28 (1)
Massage versus music therapy to reduce stress in prematures of a neonatal critical unit, a systematic review
Torres-Ake EA, Lugo-Ake GR, Matos-Villanueva JA, Puch-Kú EB
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 49-57
PDF size: 311.32 Kb.
Introduction: In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), premature infants are exposed to
stressful circumstances, this has cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, hormonal and behavioral
consequences. There are non-pharmacological treatments to reduce stress and minimize pain
such as: Kinesthetic Tactile Therapy and Music Therapy.
Objective: To identify between kinesthetic tactile therapy and music therapy, the most effective
for reducing stress in premature infants of the NICU.
Methods: Systematic review. Search in English, Spanish and Portuguese of articles on
premature infants who have received music therapy or kinesthetic tactile therapy in the
databases: Scielo, Pubmed, Elsevier, Cochcrane, Lilacs and Google Scholar. Evaluated the
methodological quality we selected 30 articles for the analysis.
Results: Music therapy brings with it an extensive list of benefits in addition to reducing cortisol
Conclusion: Both therapies were applied to premature infants from 32 to 37 weeks of gestation.
A total of 15 articles guarantee better results when massages last 10-15 minutes and are
applied three times a day, contributing to weight gain. A total of 14 articles were shown to have
better results with music therapy for 15-10 minutes, 1 to 3 times a day, helping to improve
oxygen saturation, vital signs and decrease the days of use of an artificial respirator.
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