2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Farm 2019; 52 (2)
Evaluation of the pharmaceutical care service in four private pharmacies of Riobamba, Ecuador
Rincón AAC, Villalón MPA, Escudero VER, Toaquiza ACN, Miranda BAA, Aguiar TC
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 805.52 Kb.
Introduction: Pharmaceutical care identifies, resolves and prevents drug-related problems, however, the misuse of medication is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
Objective: To evaluate the current state of pharmaceutical care in pharmacies as a contribution to the implementation of a more ethical practice and aimed to improve the patient's quality of life.
Methods: The research was descriptive and cross-sectional, and it was developed in four private pharmacies in Riobamba, Ecuador. Interviews and surveys were applied to the pharmacy´s staff and the public who attended to the facilities during the study to learn about the activities of pharmaceutical care. The data were statistically analyzed using Excel and SPSS trial version.
Results: The perceptions of the pharmacy´s staff agreed on the lack of the dispensing process and the protocols for its implementation. It was determined the lack of knowledge of the assistants on the topics of pharmacovigilance and health education. 43.3 % of the patients justified their visits to the pharmacy for "being the closest", however, the 40.8 % of the people reported the importance of the pharmacists in the pharmacy because of their knowledge. The 31.7% of the respondents stated that having the prescription provides security to the medications management. 62% of the patients stated that in the pharmacies there is not any action of health education.
Conclusions: There were shortcomings identified by the absence of the pharmaceutical biochemist in the facilities and the non-compliance with aspects inherent to the pharmaceutical care, which constitute major barriers in the attainment of this tool that is crucial for increasing the population's quality of life.
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