2019, Number 2
Management of waiting lines through queuing theory in pharmaceutical facilities
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-16
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Introduction: The perceived quality of the pharmacists´ service is the result of an assessment process, in which the patients compare their perceptions about the received service and what they expected.Objective: To develop a procedure for the management of waiting lines through the queuing theory to determine the optimum number of servers in pharmaceutical facilities in Holguín province.
Method: It was used the queuing theory as a mathematical modelling supported by a characterization of the pharmaceutical facility that allowed to know the pharmacy as an study´s object, and to identify and characterize the parameters needed to manage the waiting lines.
Results: The optimal number of servers must be 3, with a total cost of approximately $1859,23 per month. On average, 3.39386 customers/5minutes go to the pharmacy. The average value of the service length was approximately 3.02324 minutes per client.
Conclusions: The procedure developed through the queuing theory, as a mathematical model, demonstrated that the times of arrivals of customers follow a Poisson distribution and that the times that are used to attend them are still an exponential distribution. The costs analysis could determine that the optimum number of servers should be three to favor the decision-making process.
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