2019, Number 1
Cuban Journal of Pharmacy, 50 years publishing researches about medicinal plants and products
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 400.90 Kb.
Introduction: The Cuban Journal of Pharmacy since its creation in 1967 has disclosed the results of research with medicinal plants, which is relevant in terms of health for our society and it has been the scientific spreading body of the Cuban Society of Pharmacy.Objective: To describe the contribution of the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy to the visibility and spreading of scientific research and results in the field of medicinal plants and their impact in the health field.
Methods: Retrospective longitudinal study of all articles on plants published in the Journal (1967-2017), according to the plant, its properties, drug preparations and the associated technological processes. An institutional database was used and the health impact was measured by taking into account the contribution of the researches to the Basic List of Natural Products 2017 of the Ministry of Health.
Results: 26 % of the 1733 articles published corresponded to research on medicinal plants. Of the total, just 7 % dealt with a single plant, 15 % with groups and 78% with several plants of the same family. The most studied families were the Rawolfias and the Daturas. The most researched properties were the physical-chemical (46 %) and pharmacological (25 %). The technologies for obtaining and manufacturing constituted the theme for 15 % of the works. The sanitary impact of this communication work was manifested in sanitary terms by the inclusion in the Basic List of 88 pharmaceutical compositions made with plants whose studies were published by the Journal. 41 % of the studied plants were included in the Basic List.
Conclusions: The Cuban Journal of Pharmacy throughout its half century of existence has permanently contributed to the visibility of the results of scientific research and production on medicinal plants and their derived pharmaceutical preparations. Its significant health impact is evident in the Basic List of Natural Products of local production in force in Cuba.
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