2013, Number 05-06
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2013; 19 (05-06)
Complete blood count reference intervals in healthy people, Medellin, 2012
Molina HK, Vargas GE, Tavera AS, Pérez ER, Mantilla GCY, Cardona AJA
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 267-281
PDF size: 3542.16 Kb.
Introduction: Laboratory reference values are required for an adequate interpretarían of complete
blood count, in a way they can guide clinical and epidemiological decisions based on the specific the
characteristícs of the populatíon to which they will be applied.
Aim: To determine the reference values
for blood cell count parameters in healthy individuals from Medellín, Colombia, during the year of
Materials and methods: We conducted a cross sectíonal study that included 70 repetítíve blood
donors, and 65 vegetarians. Samples were processed in a Sysmex XE-2100
® hematology analyzer. The
data were described using frequency and summary measures, and reference values were determined
applying a 95% confidence interval to the mean of each para meter; in additíon, reference values were
compared by sex and age.
Results: We found statístícally significant differences between the non-vegetarían
donors and vegetarians for hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentrarían, white blood cell count, platelet count, and mean platelet volume. The reference
values obtained from the study populatíon showed a strong associatíon with sex but not with the age
Conclusions: The current results and those derived of other studies are evidence for divergence
in biologic reference values of sorne hematological parameters, which reinforces the need to set values
according to clinical and epidemiological pro file of each region.
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