2016, Number 2
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2016; 6 (2)
Posterior buccal crossbite correction in the primary dentition. Report of two cases
Mata TJE, Medina AC, Prieto MC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 126-133
PDF size: 932.28 Kb.
Posterior vestibular cross bite buccal cross or
scissors bite occurs when the lingual cusps of the
upper molars occlude buccally to the central pits
of the lower molars or when the palatal surfaces
of the maxillary teeth are in contact with the
buccal surfaces of the lower teeth. They may be
functional, caused by a lingual inclination of the
lower molars or asymmetries in the mandible.
The early treatment is recommended for normalize
transversal relations and promote correct development
of occlusion. Two cases of vestibular unilateral
posterior cross bite in primary and early mixed
dentition are presented.
Case 1: male patient age
5, presented extensive carious lesions, normocclusion,
vestibular unilateral posterior cross bite
right side was treated with Bi Helix appliance,
bands cemented to the second primary molars.
Case 2: male patient age 5, presented extensive
carious lesions, normocclusion and vestibular
unilateral posterior cross bite left side was treated
with direct composite tracks. In both cases
was achieved satisfactory transverse relationship
by correcting the vestibular cross bite.
The posterior vestibular cross bite can occur
due to occlusal interferences that produce
mandibular deviation and inappropriate inclinations
of primary molars. When this is the etiology,
using direct composite tracks, elimination of
premature contacts and lower expander type bi
Helix is a successful treatment.
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