2018, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2018; 34 (2)
Predictors for establishing nursing diagnosis in kidney transplant patients
da Silva RAR, Lino SNV, Oliveira SBC, da Costa SC, Gonçalves OP, Menezes RM
Language: Portugués
References: 21
Page: 285-297
PDF size: 254.61 Kb.
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is currently a health concern worldwide; more than 90 thousand people in Brazil are affected by this condition.
Objective: To identify the predictors for the establishment of nursing diagnoses in patients with renal transplantation.
Methods: Cross-sectional study with 84 patients in a hospital in northeastern Brazil, carried out through structured interview and physical examination. For the development of diagnoses, the Risner model was used, while for the data analysis, the
chi-square test, the Fisher's exact test and logistic regression were used. The following predictors were identified: invasive procedures for diagnosing risk of infection, disruption of the skin surface, body structures invasion and immune deficiency for impaired skin integrity, reporting fatigue and disease state for fatigue and verbal report of pain and harmful agents for acute pain.
Conclusion: The study permitted the identification of predictors of nursing diagnoses related to the factors and specific characteristics of this clientele.
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