2018, Number 14
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CuidArte 2018; 7 (14)
Proceso de vivir con diabetes tipo 2 de la persona y familia: una teoría fundamentada
Zenteno LMA, Carreón LT, Martínez VC, García SB, García MG
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 6-17
PDF size: 326.02 Kb.
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the
most serious problems facing the world today, as those
who suffer from it are affected physically, socially,
economically, psychologically, and spiritually. Type
2 diabetes should be studied comprehensively, taking
into account not only its physical aspects but also
the perspective of the person living with the illness.
Objective. To know what it is like to live with diabetes
mellitus type 2 in an urban environment with access
to public healthcare.
Methodology. Qualitative study
based on established theory. Permission to conduct
the study was obtained from the ethics committee of
a first-level health institution in the State of Puebla
(Mexico). Six in-depth interviews were conducted;
the participants were three men and three women
who had agreed to participate in the study. Streubert
and Carpenter’s guidelines were followed.Findings.
The results obtained related to the central category:
"adapting to diabetes mellitus type 2" and four
supporting categories: 1. family support; 2. economic
situation of the patient and his or her family; 3.
employment aspects; 4. spiritual support, as well
as the researcher’s interpretation of the literature.
Discussion. Family, economics, employment status,
and spiritual support are key factors to consider
when discussing people who suffer from diabetes
mellitus type 2. These factors should be considered
when treating patients.
Conclusions. The researcher
succeeded in laying the groundwork for a descriptive
grounded theory by linking patients’ ability to adapt
to diabetes mellitus type 2 with their families’ support
and their spirituality.
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