2018, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2018; 34 (1)
Beliefs of the multidisciplinary team of primary health care on occupational biohazard
Sousa VM, Oliveira RVL, dos Santos SBA, Prado MA
Language: Portugués
References: 22
Page: 59-72
PDF size: 210.17 Kb.
Introduction: The health worker has aroused concern, since the higher the elucidation of risk and adoption of biosecurity measures, the lower the possibility of occupational diseases acquired through exposure to biological material.
Objective: Characterize the beliefs of the multidisciplinary team of workers of primary health in the biological risk.
Methods: Qualitative descriptive study in seven units of primary health care in Goiânia-GO in 2014, through interviews in the technique of critical incident, analyzed according to Bardin, and as a reference the Health Belief Model.
Results: The perceived susceptibility of the biological risks arose from exposure to blood, showing lack of awareness; the severity was perceived from the experience of concrete situations of sharps injuries; perceived barriers to the adoption of preventive measures related to the availability of personal protective equipment, qualification in the subject and appropriate physical structure. Benefits were perceived by the adoption of safe behaviors.
Conclusion: The beliefs of workers express elementary concepts, inconsistent, insecure, with depreciation of the risks inherent to the work process and working environment.
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