2018, Number 13
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CuidArte 2018; 7 (13)
Main factors cointribuiting to nursing students' low academic performance
Alonso TJ, Rosete VCU, Alonso RA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 24-34
PDF size: 408.08 Kb.
Nursing students’ low academic performance has
been the subject of various studies and has become a
challenge for schools. Several possible reasons for this
low performance are put forward in the literature. This
study applies an algorithm based on the decision tree
theory, which reveals the main factors contributing
to low academic performance, the model’s efficiency,
and the prediction error.
Methodology: Observational, prospective, analytical,
and predictive cross-study. The study’s design includes
the observation of the following predictive variables:
formal work activity, unfavorable socioeconomic
level, lack of physical activity, commute greater than
1 hour, unfavorable family context, free time greater
than 28 hours per week, high level of stress, signs
of anxiety, and signs of depression. The variable to
predict is low academic performance.
Results: The main factors predicting low academic
performance are, in order of importance, formal work
activity, unfavorable socioeconomic level, and high
level of stress.
Conclusions: Formal work activity, unfavorable
socioeconomic conditions, and emotional problems
lead to low academic performance in nursing students.
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