2018, Number 13
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CuidArte 2018; 7 (13)
Evaluating the effect of electrical stimulation for loss of body fat in women
Guzmán QKY, Granados CJR
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 6-12
PDF size: 420.22 Kb.
Mexico currently ranks at the top of the list of
countries with the highest rates of overweight and
obesity in adults, with 7 out of 10 adults. Strategic
programs that seek to combat this serious public
health problem have failed1. Nurses have an
important role in this effort; they are responsible
for following overweight and obese patients and are
capable of designing and implementing nutrition
and physical activity programs that allow patients
to improve their quality of life by reducing the risks
caused by obesity. The objective was to apply a
program of electrical stimulation for loss of body fat
in women aged 30 to 40.
This is a pure experimental, prospective,
linear, and analytical study. Two groups were
selected consisting of women aged 30 to 40 who
perform physical activity: an experimental group
of 9 women and a control group of 10 women.
Measurements were conducted daily via assessment
and comparison tools. The program was applied
during 7 weeks, obtaining basal (2 weeks) and
experimental (5 weeks) measurements; 3 sessions
of 30 minutes each were applied each week. Results
showed a significant decrease in 3 out of 12 variables
evaluated—namely, the percentage of body fat,
waist-to-hip ratio, and skin turgor—thereby
improving the biological and physical wellbeing of
the participants.
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