2019, Number 15
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CuidArte 2019; 8 (15)
Stigma in People Living with HIV: a Matter of Ethics and Fairness
Jiménez GM, Regalado CKD, Bernal BML, Godínez RMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 96-103
PDF size: 105.04 Kb.
Introduction. When patients are at their most vulnerable, in the face not only of illness but also of stigmatization and
discrimination, healthcare professionals provide their services in an asymmetrical context which requires a strict adherence
to the rules and principles of bioethics. This paper addresses those aspects of bioethics that come into play when caring for
people suffering with HIV.
Body. Because health is one of the values we hold most dear, healthcare professionals should
consider their responsibilities toward their patients in each stage of life. This is why it is crucial to restrict their actions
according to the four principles of bioethics. This consideration might go unnoticed when the illness in question is the target
of myths, stigmatization, and prejudice. This is especially true with infectious diseases such as HIV, which is connected to
moral issues within a social and historical framework—thereby violating the principle of fairness.
Conclusion. Incorporating
the principles of bioethics into professional practice is one of the keys to eliminating verticality in healthcare. This requires
that healthcare professionals reflect on how best to perform their jobs, keeping at heart respect for human dignity.
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