2020, Number S1
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2020; 88 (S1)
Emergency contraception in clinical practice
Durand-Carbajal MM
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 121-130
PDF size: 200.52 Kb.
Emergency contraception, postcoital or morning after pill refers to the consumption of
certain oral hormonal contraceptives or the placement of a copper device (IUD-TCu)
after intercourse as an emergency measure to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Emergency
contraception is an occasional backup method and not for routine or continuous
use. Emergency hormonal contraception, in any of its presentations and compounds,
should be administered as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse within a
period not exceeding 120 hours. However, the woman should be informed that the
effectiveness is reduced the longer the interval between intercourse and contraceptive
intake is prolonged. The highest efficiency is recorded when taken in the first 24 to
72 hours. There are no situations in which the risks of emergency contraception (in
combination or progestin alone) outweigh the advantages of preventing pregnancy.
Women with previous ectopic pregnancy, who are breastfeeding, with cardiovascular
diseases, migraines and liver disease can receive emergency contraception. It is
important that health personnel correctly prescribe contraceptive methods, including
emergency contraception.
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