2020, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (3)
Massive canine and feline vaccination in Mexico: poor governance and market failure
Hernández-Ávila M, Castro-Onofre MM, Cervantes-Trejo A
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 306-312
PDF size: 262.78 Kb.
Objective. To analyze decision-making concerning stewardship
and procurement mechanisms in the context of the
Program for Prevention and Control of Human Rabies and
the National Canine and Feline Vaccination Week in Mexico.
Materials and methods. The information was obtained
through requests to the National Institute of Transparency,
Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data.
Results. From 2009 to 2017, 158.9 million doses of canine
rabies vaccine (VAR-CF) were applied with an estimated
budget of 1 915 million pesos. Our findings suggest weak
stewardship and ineffective governance that allows monopolistic
practices and fragmented and direct purchases. Prices for
the same product vary discretionally between states and are
significantly higher than those offered at international level.
Conclusions. After 30 years of operation of the SNVA-C
in Mexico, high prices of the VAR-CF persist, which are indicative
of a significant market failure, characterized by zero
competition, asymmetric information and misaligned incentive
structures that precluded favorable price negotiation.
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