2017, Number 4
Producción científica sobre las contribuciones fenomenológicas de enfermería para el estudio de la Tanatología
Language: Portugués
References: 30
Page: 905-924
PDF size: 246.04 Kb.
Introduction: care intervention passes directly by the understanding, reflection, analysis of how the nursing professional perceives the phenomenon of the process of death/die.Objective: analyze the scientific publications that address the issue of thanatology developed by nursing.
Methods: study of integrative review of critical feature and retrospective, with primary data sources. Search strategy: keyword use "phenomenology" and descriptors "nursing" and "palliative care". The search occurred in: MEDLINE; LILACS; BDENF and SCOPUS. Inclusion criteria: articles available in full on the selected data portals presenting adherence to the theme in Portuguese, English and Spanish, published between the years 2011-2015 and to provide the methodology philosophical framework adopted. Exclusion criteria: researches which were repeated in the databases.
Conclusion: approach the process death/die for entering students in the nursing program; the experiences of terminality through art; palliative care in terminality and organ donation after the finiteness of life. Concern for the thematic permeates the academic and hospital setting, but in both the most latent concern is linked to care humanization. Scientific productions developed by nursing addressing the issue of Thanatology presam the care not only during the process death/die, but extend to the afterlife with the issue of organ donation, which demonstrates a holistic look at exercise care making this effective and positive effect on the memory of those who receive care.
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