2017, Number 4
Addiction to the tobacco in students of technical nursing
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 666-699
PDF size: 276.17 Kb.
Introduction: Research about tobacco addiction in undergraduate nursing students was carried ont because they are the future population health care.Objective: characterize tobacco addiction in the undergraduate nursing students to Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital from January to June, 2015.
Methods: Descriptive and traverse investigation. The research population was formed by 54 first and second year students. The representative portion was made by 24 students, chosen by criteria. Acamedic and empiric methods were utilized. Among the empirics, the survey was the method used. They selected the Tntern Motivation Test of Richarmond and Test of Fagerström simplified.
Results: Concerning age, the 58.37 % were 16 and 17 years old. Female represented the 58.30 %. The biggest percentage reflected the 14s as the beginning age (41.66 %). The 41.67 % of the students proved that the invitation from friends was the leading factor to consume tobacco. The 41.67 % were classified with low motivation to stop smoking and the 58.33 % with low nicotine dependence.
Conclusions: The high est percent was represented between 16 and 17 years old, female and beginning of tabacism in early stages of life. Among the factors that motivated the consumption, invitation from friends was the biggest percent followed by relative invitation. There was a bigger percent of students classified with low and medium motivation to stop smoking and between low moderate dependence.
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