2019, Number 31
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (31)
Study and development of emotional competences in medical students. A bibliometric approach
Leo RCE, Zapata GA, Esperón HRI
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 92-102
PDF size: 1298.53 Kb.
Introduction: This work reveals the state of the art on the
advances in the recognition of the emotional competences
of the medical students and the educational strategies
implemented in the world for its evaluation and development,
under the premise that the emotional strengthening
of the future doctors improves the protective and coping
factors, reducing risks for your health and that of your
patients, considering yourself a contribution to medical
education, mental health and public health.
Methodology: An exploratory and descriptive study was
carried out, which consisted in reviewing in electronic bibliographic
sources, the scientific production from the research
works carried out at an international level from 2013
to 2018. An analytical matrix was designed with the following
variables: author, year of publication and findings.
Results: A total of 25 articles were collected that fulfilled
the following inclusion criteria: a) that is an original article,
b) that are open access, c) that implies an educational
intervention for the development of a positive emotional
component, d) that the study population is exclusively
medical students.
Conclusions: The identified findings refer that the development
of emotional competences through psychological
educational interventions minimizes the vulnerability of the
medical student to certain dysfunctions such as anxiety,
depression and burnout, generating an increase in the
psychological and emotional well-being of the same during
his formative and professional stage.
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