2020, Number 17
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CuidArte 2020; 9 (17)
The bifocal clinical practice model applied to patients with hemodynamic alteration
Barrera MLJ, Romero OM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 53-73
PDF size: 376.42 Kb.
Research in the nursing discipline requires a nursing process (NP) which follows the scientific method in
order to solve nursing problems. The NP consists of a written document which reflects the nurse’s role; this document
must be structured, systematic, dynamic and cyclical, person-centered, results-orientated, and evidence-based.
This study applied a bifocal NP model to a female patient of the Adult Intensive Care Unit (UCIA) of the State and
Municipal Institute of Social Security (ISSEMYM) in Tlalnepantla, State of Mexico, for the purpose of contributing
to her prompt recovery. An NP based on Carpenito’s Bifocal Clinical Practice Model was applied to a female patient
on October 31, 2017; this model allowed for the conjunction of the nursing diagnostic (using NANDA taxonomy) and
the interdependent problem to solve the patient’s health problem. The elaboration of a plan of care was based the
interaction between two taxonomies, NOC (to find results) and NIC (to find interventions). In conclusion, the bifocal
model in an NP allows the nurse to collaborate with the healthcare workers while the patient gradually recovers.
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