2019, Number 4
Academic responsibility regarding employability of chilean kinesiologists
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 37-46
PDF size: 152.73 Kb.
Introduction: Some health majors in Chile have a complex panorama regarding their employability, due to the scarce regulation of the educational market, and an explosive increase in academic offer, enrollment and degree issuing of the programs. This generates a large number of graduates competing to enter the market. However, there is currently no capacity to secure their occupation. Kinesiology experiences the same situation, a reason why in 2019 it shows an employability of 49.6% after the first year of graduation.Objective: To reflect on current employability and subsequent unemployment as a problem to be addressed and assumed with responsibility by universities in their training and policies, taking into account the socio-personal repercussions that this situation could have on current Kinesiology graduates.
Development: Topics related to the concept of employability, skills training and employability are addressed, among other aspects related to not being able to practice the profession studied.
Conclusions: On the basis of the exposed background, it is argued that the academic setting plays a fundamental role within the various factors and structures that determine the greater or lesser employability of a professional. On the other hand, the possible repercussions suffered by graduates who cannot be inserted in the labor market call the academic setting actors to reflect on their performance in the current employability that kinesiologists present and about the actions that they could take to solve this problem.
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Colegio de Kinesiólogos atribuye cesantía a exceso de escuelas y poca presencia en salud pública. BioBioChile-La Red de Prensa Más Grande de Chile. 2015 [acceso 16/10/2018]. Disponible en: https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/2015/08/07/colegio-dekinesiologos- atribuye-cesantia-a-exceso-de-escuelas-y-poca-presencia-en-saludpublica. shtml
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Implementación C. Curriculum basado en competencias y resultados de aprendizaje para la formación de profesionales de salud en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile: Fase de gestión e implementación-Universidad de Chile. Uchile.cl. [acceso 29/10/2018]. Disponible en: http://www.uchile.cl/portal/presentacion/ vicerrectoria-de-asuntos-economicos-y-gestion-institucional/proyectos mecesup/mecesup-2/proyectos-mecesup-2007/115426/uch0707-mejora-de-laformacion- de-profesionales-de-la-salud