2020, Number 2
Comparison of hematological parameters and cellular morphology in blood samples with EDTA K2 and EDTA K3
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 131-140
PDF size: 191.84 Kb.
Introduction. EDTA is the anticoagulant of choice in hematology laboratories for the conservation of whole blood samples. There are two types, K2 EDTA and K3 EDTA, and their difference lies in the amount of potassium molecules. Some guidelines suggest that there are differences between K2 and K3 EDTA for the blood analysis process. However, with the new collection tubes offered by the commercial suppliers, it is not clear if in fact there is a difference between the two anticoagulants that would result in changes in blood parameters and cell morphology. Objective. To compare leukocyte counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, platelets and cell morphology in peripheral blood samples collected with K2 EDTA and K3 EDTA, at different times (0, 1 and 2 hours). Materials and methods. A quasi-experimental, multivariate, multifactorial study was carried out, with anticoagulated blood as the unit of analysis, either with K2 EDTA or K3 EDTA, extracted from 53 subjects through a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. Results. There was no statistically significant difference when comparing results of the peripheral blood smear and the quantitative hematological parameters using K2 or K3 EDTA. Conclusion. The use of either K2 EDTA or K3 EDTA as the anticoagulant of choice, when processing samples within a suitable time after their collection, proved equally satisfactory for both quantitative and morphological parameters.REFERENCES
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