2020, Number 34
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (34)
Relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Empathy in Resident Physicians of a Public University in México
Delgado DC, Rodríguez BA, Lagunes CR, Vázquez MFD
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 16-23
PDF size: 516.90 Kb.
Introduction: The study of the relationship between psychological
well-being and empathy in medical residents
has been little explored in México.
Objective: To identify the relationship between psychological
well-being and empathy with patients, in medical
residents of a public university in Mexico.
Method: Descriptive and cross-sectional study. The Ryff
Psychological Well-being Scale (PWS) and the Jefferson
Medical Scale of Empathy (JSE) were applied to 139 residents
from the first to the fourth year of varied specialties.
Results: A significant and positive correlation was found
between the PWS and the JSE (r = .460; p ‹.001).
Conclusions: Psychological well-being and empathy are
closely related, so promoting actions that favor mental
health in residents during the course by the specialty,
will influence empathy with patients. It is urgent to do
more research that, like this one, links to both variables.
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