2019, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2019; 33 (3)
Evaluation of the Human Genetics virtual course by university health sciences students
Inzunza MBC, Márquez UCG, Duk PMS
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 363.24 Kb.
Introduction: Online learning environments offer new forms of communication
allowing teachers and students to exchange information, knowledge and ideas, either
asynchronously or in real time. An elective Human Genetics course was taught online to
complement the training of undergraduate health sciences students.
Objective: Evaluate the satisfaction with and perception of the work done in a virtual
Human Genetics course taught to university health sciences students from the
University of Concepción.
Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional non-experimental study was conducted. A
survey containing open-ended and closed-ended questions was used to determine the
students' level of satisfaction with pedagogical and technological aspects of the course,
and with the virtual learning environment.
Results: Students ranked the virtual course as satisfactory. Concerning perception of
the virtual environment, positive opinions referred to the students' autonomy (40%) and
the learning experience itself (38%). Negative opinions focused on the students'
responsibility towards learning (75%) and their relationship to the teacher (25%).
Conclusions: The virtual course proved to be useful to learn about Human Genetics, as
well as an environment fostering the acquisition of knowledge and the development of
competences such as autonomy and team work.
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