2020, Number 1
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Arch Neurocien 2020; 25 (1)
Performance of the Executive Function by areas, in interns condemned by involuntary and dolosous homicide
Alvarado-Grijalba SL, Pulido-Suárez CB, Rincón-Lozada CF
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 19-31
PDF size: 396.00 Kb.
Introduction: Colombia has been one of the countries with the highest rates of violence in
the world, being the second leading cause of death in the country, however scientific research
on the dynamics of this social phenomenon is insufficient, one of the central aspects In the
investigation of homicidal violence is the development of perpetrator profiles, the results
of these studies agree that there is no unitary profile of aggressors in terms of personality,
psychopathology or demographic characteristics.
Objective: to compare the performance in executive function by areas in inmates convicted
of involuntary and intentional homicide.
Material and methodology: a descriptive comparative study was conducted, with a
non-experimental design, two groups of involuntary and malicious homicides were
evaluated, through the neuropsychological battery of executive functions (Banfe2) and a
sociodemographic record.
Results: the demographic data showed predominant socioeconomic status 1, secondary
schooling, marital status free union, type of nuclear family, a high percentage of the sample
reported not using psychoactive substances, in the Analysis of variance with the Student's
T test and The comparison of yields by area and group with the Chi χ
2 test is evidenced in
the bilateral significance that there were no statistically significant scores between the two
homicide groups.
Conclusions: the neuropsychological performance in the three areas and in the global
executive functioning, they found mild to severe alterations, indicating and confirming the
low cognitive profile in homicides, the sociodemographic characteristics coincide with those
of several studies in this population.
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