2020, Number 04
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Revista Médica Sinergia 2020; 5 (04)
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the urban type II ambulatory Dr. Gualdrón of Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Agobian G, Traviezo VLE
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 149.96 Kb.
Introduction: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy was characterized in patients
with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, in the urban type II ambulatory Dr. Gualdrón
of Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
Methods: An observational descriptive study,
the sample was non-probabilistic, accidental, consisting of the first 60
patients who gave their informed consent; The Michigan Neuropathy
Screening Instrument was applied.
Results: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
was detected in 60% of the patients, of these 33.3% showed symptoms,
83.3% presented alterations in the appearance of the feet, 11.1% ulceration
in the feet, 55.6% reflexes reinforced Aquilians and 19.4% absence thereof.
The vibrational perception of Hallux 13.9% was reduced and 47.2% absent.
The sensitivity to monofilament in 38.9% was reduced and in 19.4% absent.
Likewise, 78.3% corresponded to the male sex and 48.6% to the female
sex, 88.9% to the group ≥ 70 years, 63.6% indicated 10 or more years as
diabetic and 63% did not had adherence to drug treatment.
Conclusions: It
is evident that the frequency of Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is high, it
was higher in men and in the group ≥ 70 years old, the main lesions
identified were abnormality in the appearance of the feet and sensitivity
alterations. Faced with such a health problem, it is necessary to establish
preventive actions aimed at preventing deterioration in the patient's quality
of life. Therefore, this type of assessment is important to avoid
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