2019, Number 2
Factors conditioning insufficient scientific productivity in nursing professionals from Quemado de Güines, 2018
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 321.37 Kb.
Introduction: Accurate and transparent communication of research has become an increasingly relevant issue of university knowledge.Objective: To determine the factors that condition the insufficient scientific productivity in the nursing professionals from Quemado de Güines Municipality in the first trimester of 2018.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out during the first trimester of 2018, with a population of 34 nursing professionals with the status of Masters in Science, specialists and graduates incorporated into the research potential. We worked with a sample of 28, selected through non-probabilistic sampling, out of which 17 were graduates and/or specialists and 11 were masters. A data collection form was applied as an instrument to each nurse during the exchanges. In the statistical analysis, the percentage and the mean were used as summary measures in the information processing.
Results: The greatest interest in researching and/or publishing was expressed through the fact of maintaining their scientific degree and having a satisfactory yearly evaluation of the worker. Lack of time, selflessness and the pressure of care were the individual limiting reasons, both for research and publication. More than 80% had no knowledge of the existing ways or mechanisms for sending a work to be published and more than 89% recognized their lack of ability to use the scientific method, as well as their inaccuracies to acquire and analyze the data.
Conclusions: It was noted that factors depending on nurses were present in the low scientific productivity of nursing professionals in the institution.
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