2018, Number 19
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Rev Tame 2018; 6.7 (19)
Bioética, Derechos Humanos y Odontología. Una revisión de la reforma constitucional en materia de derechos humanos
Rivas LJA, Rodríguez CBI, Farfán VJG, Hoyos PR, Angulo CHJ, Sosa CMJ
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 750-753
PDF size: 457.68 Kb.
Bioethics and human rights are part of the daily practice of dentistry, from the obligation that arises when taking responsibility for a patient to the possible complications that may arise from the practice of the profession. Knowledge and application of bioethics and human rights in dentistry is a necessary pillar for comprehensive care, so it is very important that the dentist knows and inconstantly updated on these issues that are inherent to the profession. This article aims to analyze the constitutional reform in the field of human rights in order to make known to health professionals the current legislation that regulates their professional practice.
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