2018, Number S1
“Walking”: Physical activity research project for students and workers of the Latin American School of Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 468-473
PDF size: 203.81 Kb.
Objective: to design a research project aimed at addressing the low level of physical activity and thus benefit the health of students and workers of the Latin American School of Medicine.Materials and methods: methods of the theoretical level were used as: historical-logical, systematization and modeling.
Results: the fundamental result is the revelation of the fundamental elements that make up the design of the project called “Walking: system of actions to raise the level of physical activity of students and workers of the Latin American School of Medicine”, anchored in the precepts of the Health Promotion approach and a humanistic pedagogy with whom it harmonizes. Following the rules set forth by the CITMA, aspects of the design are shown, such as: the state of the subject, problem statement, justification, main scientific, economic and/or socia l results to obtain, objectiv es, methodology used, characterization of the sample a nd the response measurement variables, among other aspects.
Conclusions: the confrontation to the sedentarismo is a necessity that today faces the society in general and especially the population that represents the students and workers of the universities by the impact that these have in their surroundings.
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