2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
The socialization of the scientific results of the teachers of the Latin American School of Medicine. A methodological strategy for its improvement
Valdés RY, Sariego RMA, Valdés RY, González PRS, Álvarez MM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 255-259
PDF size: 228.75 Kb.
Objetive: to argue the importance of the design of a methodological strategy for the improvement of professional
performance in the socialization of the scientific results of the teachers of the Latin American School of Medicine.
Materials and Methods: a qualitative research model was used in which theoretical and empirical methods were
used. The literature review, analysis, synthesis and comparison of the different criteria and positions of the authors
of the reviewed literature was carried out.
Results: it was possible to elaborate a methodological alternative that allows all the professionals the elaboration,
socialization and presentation of the works of investigation of logical form, with a writing and a suitable scientific
language, contributing to perfect the scientific production of our Institution.
Conclusions: it is essential that the scientific community is aware of the importance of the socialization of the
results of their research and for that an institutional educational strategy is proposed for the socialization of the
scientific, humanistic and technological results of the ELAM professionals.
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