2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
Atention to diversity, a need in the professional formation in the ELAM student
Macías QAM, Bustamante ALM
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 136-139
PDF size: 182.98 Kb.
Objective: to expose some considerations about the importance of the academicians´attention to cultural
diversity in the professional.
Methods: theorical and empiric methods were used. As theorical method was used the review of bibliographic
sources about cultural diversity of academical institutions of Cuba and others countries. As empiric method was
used an interview to professors of the institution, according to the variables time of experience in academical
labor in ELAM, knowledge about diversity of cultures of students among oth-ers. formation of the students in
the Latin American Medicine School.
Results: the bibliographic resources consulted coincide of the valor that results the attention to cultural diversity,
throughout the of different actions developed in the institution. The professors showed ignorance about cultural,
ethnic and religious characteristics.
Conclusions: the attention to diversity in the ELAM results a need for the formation of the future profesional, for
this a scientifical form for professors should be developed, in the different scenaries where the studentship goes,
taking into account the cultural diversity and the process associated to multiculturalism and interculturalism,
that will allow to obtain the medical professional with ethical, mor al and humanist valors that we aspirate.
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