2018, Number S1
Modification of knowledge about sexuality in older adults of the Polyclinic “Ramón López Peña”
Jordán PY, Rinack CY, Pérez PMM, Dinza CL, Baneas PR
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 431-433
PDF size: 518.42 Kb.
Objective: to modify the level of knowledge of older adults about sexuality; in order to evaluate the results of said intervention.Method: a community intervention study was carried out with older adults, in the school modality, class programs were created for the elderly, belonging to the “Ramón López Peña” polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, in the period between May from 2017 to October of the same year. The sample was constituted by 57 older adults, applying the same survey at the beginning and at the end of the study in order to determine the degree of acquisition of knowledge on the subjects taught.
Results: the study showed a predominance of female over male in the age groups of 60 to 69 and 70 to 79 years of age; An increase was noted after the intervention of knowledge about sexuality (92.98%), physical exercise (91.2%), aging (92.99%), among others.
Conclusions: the intervention was efficient and older adults increa sed their knowledge on this topic.
Domingo Martínez MC. Algunas características biopsicosociales de los ancianos del consultorio Médico de la Familia # 14 del Policlínico Julián Grimau García (Trabajo para optar por el título de especialista de primer grado en Medicina General Integral). 2015 Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas. Santiago de Cuba.